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Lutheran Care welcomes Good Prospects team following acquisition of allied health provider

Lutheran Care and Good Prospects staff at the Town Hall. The Lutheran Care logo appears in the bottom right hand corner.

Lutheran Care welcomes Good Prospects team following acquisition of allied health provider

Lutheran Care leaders and members of the Good Prospects team recently enjoyed an afternoon of introductions and networking, following Lutheran Care’s acquisition of the speech pathology and psychology practice last month.  

Held at Lutheran Care’s Kent Town office at the beginning of February, about 20 people attended the small event, which gave key organisational members the opportunity to share work-related information with the group.  

Lutheran Care’s Chief Executive Officer Rohan Feegrade extended a warm welcome to the Good Prospects team and said it was an exciting time of growth for both organisations and looked forward to meeting the Good Prospects team and hear about their passion for their work. 

“Although the day-to-day responsibilities of each of us may look different, the sentiment to create the best outcomes and support for our clients, and a great place to work, is the same,” Mr Feegrade said.  

Following a year-long consultation and due diligence process, Good Prospects officially came under the umbrella of Lutheran Care on 25 January 2024.   

The acquisition brings place-based allied health services to Lutheran Care’s 50 plus programs and service portfolio. Nineteen staff members have joined the Lutheran Care team, with a focus to increase the number of therapists to meet growing wait list demands currently experienced by the sector.  

“Bringing Good Prospects service offerings into Lutheran Care’s suite of services assists to harness cost efficiencies, tap into shared synergies, and streamline multiple service entry points for new and current clients,” Mr Feegrade said.  

The Good Prospects team were given an insight into Lutheran Care’s history and future focuses while also touching on the story of our brand and the importance of placing our values in everything we do. 

“Good Prospects and Lutheran Care share similar visions and values, and it is exciting to be on this journey together. We look forward to working together and toward our shared goal of driving positive change in the lives of those we support,” Mr Feegrade said.  

“Lutheran Care’s logo has a range of dawn inspired colours and lengths which aptly represents the diversity of our team and the motion, that when we work together, we move forward. We look forward to incorporating Good Prospects on this journey too.” 

While client outcomes, offering additional services to existing markets and diversifying into new markets has driven the acquisition, Lutheran Care also identifies an opportunity to expand scope and build multi-disciplinary teams across the organisation.  

Good Prospects has built a strong reputation across a decade of allied health service provision in South Australia, based in Adelaide’s northern suburbs, Port Adelaide, Berri and surrounds. You can find out more about Good Prospects and its services on our webpage 

You can also read more about the acquisition here.